With increased Mycotoxin risk during the summer, what should you consider?
The presence of mould does not necessarily mean that there are mycotoxins present in a feedstuff however the reverse also applies; feedstuff that appears to have an absence of mould is not necessarily mycotoxin free.
Choline in the bovine diet - what role does it play?
Choline is an essential nutrient in bovine diets, playing an important role in cellular structure and activity through the utilisation of fatty acids preventing the accumulation of fat in the liver.
Lifeline pre-calver updates and improves formulation with NovaPro
Lifeline pre-calver updates and improves formulation with NovaPro
Signs of Acidosis on the horizon from silages this winter.
The importance of transition cow health
Reducing the risk of SARA to improve profitability
The importance of transition cow health