Transition management and herd health


The importance of transition cow health is often overlooked. However, the consequences of poor transition management can be seen in the herd throughout lactation.


Pre-calving - The challenge

The management of cows in the close-up dry period (21 days pre-calving) is critical for future health, milk production and reproductive success. During this period, a cow’s immune system becomes depressed, the nutrient requirements of the fetus increase and the cow dry matter intake (DMI) decreases. This combination, along with sub-optimal nutrition, can have a negative impact on herd health and therefore profitability.

So, what can we do to combat this?

Feed ReaShure precision release choline?


  • To meet energy demands the cow mobilises body fat to the liver. However, if not managed this can lead to issues including fatty liver and ketosis

  • Choline facilitates the processing and packaging of fat out of the liver to maximise energy production for the cow for e.g. milk production post- calving

  • Choline is proven to have great benefits for all body condition scores, not just ‘fat cows’

Figure 1: Reduction in transition related disorders from feeding ReaShure 21 days pre-partum.

Figure 1: Reduction in transition related disorders from feeding ReaShure 21 days pre-partum.

Key benefits:

Across 38 published papers, ReaShure has shown the following benefits:

  • Average increase 2.2litres/day milk yield maintained over whole lactation!

  • Increased milk constituent yield & DMI

  • Improved energy status, leading to

    • increased reproductive success

    • reduced ketosis, fatty liver, metritis & metabolic issues

  • NEW data showing:

    • Improved colostrum quality & increased Heifer growth rates

    • reduced subclinical hypocalcaemia & reduced calf mortality



  • Ideally, choline is fed both 21 days pre and 21 days post-calving. We recognise there are challenges to post-calving feeding, however, it is important to emphasise that there are significant benefits feeding ReaShure just pre-calving (see figure 1 & 2)

  • Feed 60g ReaShure per cow/day to maximise your herd health


Post-calving - The challenge

The importance of maintaining cow health through nutrition doesn’t stop at calving. DMI continues to be insufficient to meet the cows demands for the first 8-10 weeks post-partum. This means that targeted and specific nutrient feeding is essential to optimise both cow health and performance.

How can we assist with this post-calving issue?

Feed AminoShure-XM precision release methionine


  • The most common limiting amino acid we see in UK rations is methionine

  • Unfortunately, a cow doesn’t have the ability to synthesise methionine herself so relies on dietary supplementation

  • Amino acid deficiency can hinder protein synthesis which can lead to reduced recovery and performance

  • Therefore, supplementation with a rumen-protected methionine (AminoShure-XM) is key to driving post-calving returns

Figure 2 Milk yield improvements seen across the full lactation from feeding ReaShure 21 days pre-partum.

Figure 2 Milk yield improvements seen across the full lactation from feeding ReaShure 21 days pre-partum.

Key benefits:

Published research on AminoShure-XM has shown:

  • Increased milk protein % & yield

    • Methionine deficiency = 0.1-0.2% milk protein drop

    • An increase in milk fat % & yield may also occur

  • Allows a reduction in CP % in ration

    • This may improve income over feed costs

  • May improve milk yield in early lactation and give a higher peak milk production

  • Help reduce metabolic disorders

  • Reduced environmental impact



  • AminoShure-XM can be fed both pre and post-calving. However, the greatest effects on e.g. milk protein are seen from post-calving supplementation

  • Most rations require 20-25g AminoShure-XM


Forage outlook winter 2021