
Not all yeasts are created equal.

Vistacell is a live yeast product of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety.

Vistacell live yeast

Vistacell ensures the highest delivery of live yeast to the rumen to maximise performance and reduce the risk of SARA.

Dried in granular form, Vistacell has an outer shell that protects the inner core of live yeast cells. This process improves stability, making Vistacell one of the most active live yeast products commercially available.

Vistacell is available for ruminant and swine diets.

  • Up to 10% improvement in live weight gain (beef)

  • Increased forage and dry matter intake in early lactation

  • Reduced incidence of acidosis and sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA)

  • Increased feed efficiency

  • Improved dung consistency

For dairy and beef farmers, Vistacell can provide an expected 4:1 return on investment.


Specifically developed for use in ruminants and swine, Vistacell represents a combination of advancements in yeast technology.

Live yeast – a mode of action that delivers unique benefits

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Only live yeast can compete for sugars and scavenge oxygen, allowing for increased fibre digestion and stabilisation of ruminal pH leading to optimisation of the rumen environment.

Vistacell in ruminant nutrition

Adding Vistacell to the ration can help increase rumen pH.

This reduces the number of lactic-acid producing microbes, whilst increasing the number and activity of fibre-digesting microbes.

The improved fibre digestion and dry matter intake results in greater productivity.

To find out how advancements in yeast technology can give your feed the Vistacell advantage, 
contact John Friel, ProNutri
086 604 5918.